Are You “Full of Sap?”

I was recently in a fellowship meeting with a bunch of guys (all younger than me) from our “community group” (small group) at church. We were discussing what we’d like to accomplish in 2019, and the word that came to my mind was “fruitfulness.” So I shared that I wanted to be more “fruitful”—a sincere … Read more

Some Thoughts on “Key Retirement Planning Birthday Milestones”

A friend recently sent me this link to a chart on PNC Bank’s website titled “A Timeline for Achievement” that provided a helpful list of age-based retirement planning milestones. (Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement for PNC, although I am sure they are a good bank, I just found the chart interesting. This kind of … Read more

New Year Retirement Stewardship 10-Point Check-Up

Happy New Year! Planning is a wise part of retirement stewardship. But no matter how well we plan, we must always remember that “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Prov. 16:9). And now that we are closing out 2018 and looking out ahead to 2019, I thought I would share some thoughts … Read more