My Top 10 Posts for 2020

This has been a year that we will never forget. 2020 was a highly contentious presidential election year in the middle of a global pandemic. Violence and unrest filled the streets of many cities. Many, many people experienced (and are still experiencing) severe financial hardship. And, of course, many became seriously ill due to the … Read more

The New Administration and Retirement Stewardship: Part 1

As you know, I don’t “get political” on this blog. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about politics; I do. I focus on other things here, but when the political winds change as dramatically as they have, it’s important to understand (and plan for) possible changes in the tax code and other policies and laws … Read more

Is Building Wealth for Retirement “Striving After the Wind”?

Our pastors have recently been preaching expositorily through the Book of Ecclesiastes. In a message on Ecc. 5:8-20, one pastor made this statement: “Wealth is deceptive.” Notice he didn’t say wealth is good or bad; he said, “deceptive.” That suggests that wealth is morally neutral, but it may promise one thing and deliver another depending … Read more