The Stewardship of Christmas

Luke 2:1—21 tells the familiar story of Jesus’ birth. It starts with this in verse one: “In those days. . .” The ESV Study Bible says that “‘In those days’ is an imprecise date (contrast Luke 3:1–2), suggesting that Luke did not know the exact year (cf. 3:23).” The study guide also says that as … Read more

My Year-End Retirement Stewardship Review and Planning Routine

I’m occasionally asked how I manage my retirement finances. I’ve touched on some aspects in previous posts, but I thought I’d share a little about my not-very-formal-or-complicated year-end regime. I don’t do this to suggest that I handle things in an exemplary way or that you should do what I do. Retired families can have … Read more

Schemes and Scams and Fraud, Oh My!

A friend recently sent me a link to a news item titled “Christian radio host sentenced to three life sentences for Ponzi scheme bilking millions from elderly listeners—William Neil ‘Doc’ Gallagher, 80, and his Gallagher Financial Group advertised on Christian radio with the tagline, ‘See you in church on Sunday.’” According to the state’s attorney … Read more