To Ladder or Not to Ladder?

In the last two articles, I discussed how retirees (and others) use bonds as part of a diversified portfolio because of their stabilizing effect in times of stock market volatility. Bonds can also be an excellent source of income and may provide capital gains under some economic scenarios (especially falling interest rates). We’ve also seen … Read more

Individual Bonds or Bond Funds?

Suppose you’ve decided to keep a portion of your portfolio in bonds, perhaps with a higher allocation percentage than stocks. In that case, you have another decision: Should you invest in individual bonds or a bond fund? With interest rates at higher levels than they’ve been in many years, some folks (including yours truly) wonder … Read more

The Secure Act 2.0 May Have Passed While You Weren’t Looking

The Secure Act 2.0 was finally passed as just one part of a massive funding package by the outgoing congress just before Christmas on December 23, 2022, and signed into law by the president as the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, an omnibus spending bill authorizing roughly $1.7 trillion in new Federal spending (yikes!). You’re … Read more

Do Bonds Still Belong in a Retiree’s Portfolio?

An important preliminary note: Given what took place in both the stock and bond markets in 2022, I’m starting the new year with a short series of articles about “safe” retirement income and the roles that bonds and other instruments may play in providing it. But from the outset, I want to reiterate some important … Read more