About the Checklists

Life is busy, and it’s easy to put off things that don’t have an immediate impact on our lives.  We know it may be a long road, so it’s easy to push things out. However, delays in some decisions and actions can cause you real problems as you reach age 50 and beyond, especially the “retirement” years.  The reality is that retirement stewardship begins the day you get your very first paycheck!

The checklists I have provided here as recommended action items are the important steps you should take during each stage of life to steward your resources for retirement effectively.  Although there is a significant focus (in terms of the details) on those aged 50 and beyond, there is also information here for younger people about the things they need to do to get to age 50 as well prepared financially as they can be. (Actually, some financial experts would argue that what you do BEFORE age 50 is more important than what you do AFTER age 50 in terms of being able to succeed in your retirement stewardship!)

Most of the checklist items will be delved into in greater detail in other articles and posts on this website, and we will provide links to them on this page once the articles have been published.  If you haven’t already before you start thinking about working through the checklists, read my free eBook, “15 Principles of Retirement Stewardship” to get a solid Biblical foundation in place.

Some of the action items listed here may not apply to everyone, and you may choose to take some at a different time than what I recommend.  However, I strongly suggest you look at all of them and then decide what might be appropriate actions for you in the near term. If you are a little older, you might also examine the actions recommended for people before age 50 to make sure you haven’t overlooked something important in the past. In most cases, it’s never too late to make sure you get all the items completed that are necessary for your life after 50, even if it would be better if they had been completed sooner.

Here are the links to the checklists, or you can access them from the drop-down menu under “Checklists” on the main navigation bar above.

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