About This Site

I’m so glad you’re here!  Please grab a cup of coffee and take some time to look at the various resources we have for you.

This blog focuses on the various aspects of retirement viewed through Biblical stewardship, hence “Retirement Stewardship.” Although the intended audience is Christians who are thinking about, planning for, or living in retirement, anyone interested in Biblical stewardship, regardless of age, will (hopefully) find something informative or helpful here.

This site is different from many other Christian personal finance blogs. I write as someone who is older and dealing with the things I write about.  I base most of the articles on my research and experience applying it in my situation.


The purpose of this blog is as follows:

  1. To be a wise and trustworthy independent resource as you plan for or live in the stage of life called “retirement.”
  2. To encourage you to be a good steward of everything God has given you throughout all stages of your life, including retirement.
  3. To help you to steward your retirement years in a way that brings you joy, serves others, and gives glory to God.
  4. To inspire and educate you so that you can save diligently, invest wisely, give generously, and live abundantly!


Most of the posts on this blog fall into these broad categories: Giving, Saving, Investing, or Living in Retirement, including the spiritual aspects. I “retired” in late 2018 at age 66 (my “full retirement age”), so I am dealing with all of these things myself.

Although I may write about investing, I don’t dispense professional investing or retirement advice. I am neither qualified nor licensed to do so. This blog is an informational/educational and entertainment website (learn more on the Terms of Use page.) What you will get here is my experience in planning for and eventually living in retirement, combined with what I have studied and learned from the real experts in this area, presented in a way that facilitates simple, everyday application from a Biblically-informed view of stewardship.

There is lots of information available on this topic on the Internet. Many excellent Christian blogs are out there, and most of them have some material on this subject. (I have listed some of them on a Resources page.) This blog is focused on retirement and stewardship to go more in-depth in specific areas.  It will mainly focus on what I am interested in as a Christian “retiree,” and a financial coach that I hope will also be of interest and value to others.

Introductory Material

  1. Scan the Homepage for quick access to most of the resources on the site.
  2. Read the Welcome to get a quick overview of the site and how it can help and encourage you.
  3. Read the Retirement Stewardship Pillars to understand our core values and beliefs about Retirement Stewardship.
  4. Read this overview: More About Retirement Stewardship.
  5. Read the Retirement Stewardship Checklists for practical, stage-of-life-specific guidance.
  6. Read more About Me and why I started this blog.
  7. Please read the Terms of Use, which includes our legal disclaimers and privacy policy.
  8. Subscribe to Updates or Contact Me to say hello, ask questions, offer input or feedback on the site, or learn more.
  9. Find topic-specific information and help by selecting from those in the topics section on the homepage.
  10. Review our articles—you can look at the Latest Posts or go to the All Posts page to view all published articles.
  11. Check out the Resources page to see the book, blogs, and tools that I recommend. (Some may be affiliate links.)


I want to hear from readers! I am especially interested in your questions as well as any constructive criticism you may have. You can use the contact page if you want to contact me via email. Promptly responding to you is a high priority for me, but there may be times when I am swamped and may not answer right away.

Also, please note this site does not currently provide a discussion forum. (Comments are disabled on posts.) I may open them in the future when I have enough time to monitor them and thoughtfully respond.


As mentioned above, there are some costs involved in running a blog like this. I run a “self-hosted” blog, so I need some internet and software services to make it run efficiently. Although the primary goal is NOT to make money but instead inspire and help others, the time and money involved add up to a part-time job.

Therefore, I sometimes try to generate a little income from this site in ways that don’t violate my values and principles and avoid conflicts of interest. You will not see any annoying targeted “pop-up” ads on the site. But you may occasionally see links to affiliates (mainly Amazon) that offer products (such as books) or services that I think could be helpful to you. If so, I will do my best to ensure they are clear and relevant to you and consistent with the values and priorities of this site.