Coaching Application

Before you begin, just a quick reminder that you are requesting financial coaching, not financial advice or financial planning. A financial advisor is licensed to offer investment advice and/or directly manage your money. A certified planner can prepare a detailed financial plan. A mentor/coach is someone who has “been there, done that” and is willing to share knowledge and provide guidance and support. A coach knows how to help you leverage your own knowledge, skills, and resources to accomplish your goals.

As a financial coach, I am not a licensed financial advisor or a certified financial planner. I can’t recommend specific investments and I won’t do detailed planning for you. What I offer is a combination of financial mentoring and coaching. Based on my own study, training, and real-world experience, I focus on developing your skills and knowledge so that you can effectively steward the time, talents, and treasure that God has entrusted to you.

To proceed, please answer the following questions. The better I understand you and your situation, the more effective my coaching can be! (Note that this is not a secure form. Please do not include any sensitive personal or financial details. But as always, anything you share will be kept in strict confidence.)

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